Almaty is the largest and most beautiful city in Kazakhstan. It is located at the foot of the Trans-Ile Alatau at an altitude of 700-900 metres above sea level. With a population of over 2.2 million people, it is an economic and tourist centre. The city was the capital until 1997, and currently known as “Southern capital of Kazakhstan”.  The origin name of Almaty is “Almatau”, which literraly means Apple Mountain. This land is one of the places of origin of the apple. Here, in the Tien Shan mountains, wild apples still grow. 

Almaty has a lot to offer in terms of things to do and see.

Our Almaty Expedition Team offers you a 1-2 day tour of Almaty city, during which you can visit the main sights of the city.

1. Kok Tobe hill

Here you can take a cable car to the top of the hill. Once at the top, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the city of Almaty. In the winter you can’t see all the beauty of the surroundings because of the pollution, but in the summer it’s a great view. At Kok Tobe you can enjoy the café and  souvenir shops.

2. Green Bazaar.

Central Asia is well known for its bazaars where you can experience the local products. It is a great way to meet the locals and experience the cultures. At the market you can taste the traditional food and drinks.  Here you can try the best traditional meat, the “Khazi”, the horse meat. And drink a “Kymys”, the fermented horse milk. It is quite a big bazaar and it takes almost half a day to get there and back, but it is definitely worth it!

3. Medeu & Shymbulak

Medeu is one of the largest ice-skating stadiums, where many tournaments have been held over the last half-century. Further up from Medeu you can visit the Shymbulak ski resort, which is also one of the largest ski resorts in the region. You can visit Shymbulak all year round. In summer you can enjoy the beautiful views and have breakfast in the restaurant at the top. And in winter you can enjoy skiing.

4. Take a walk in Panfilov Park

It is a central park where you can take a walk and enjoy the Panfilov 28 Memorial. The monument was built for the 28 soldiers who died defending Moscow from the German army during the Second World War. It is beautiful in the summer with many beautiful fountains and locals like to spend their leisure time here.

The Almaty region is rich in attractions that should be on any visitor’s must-see list. Most of them are located close to the city, but due to the traffic in the city it is highly recommended to leave early in the morning. We offer you the “Almaty Highlights Tour” where you can choose the duration from 1 to 5 days. And all these places have it is unique views and atmosphere, so we strongly recommend you not to rush but to visit all the attractions.

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5. Big Almaty Lake

Big Almaty Lake is a clear mountain lake with stunning scenery. It is a popular picnic spot for locals. It is also a great place to take a hike and enjoy the views.

6. Charyn Canyon

The canyon stretches for 150km and has some breathtaking views.  If you don’t have many days in Almaty and are looking for a one or two day trip, we can include this attraction on the way to Kolsai Lake. Here you can enjoy a viewpoint known as the Witch Canyon. The dark part of the canyon is famous for its strange happenings and the locals believe that there are witches here. But if you have time to visit the main attractions of Almaty, we can take a jeep tour and visit the beautiful parts of the canyon.

7. Kaindy Lake

This is one of the most beautiful lakes with a view like no other. After a strong earthquake in the 1911’s it became a lake with the three still standing in it. During the summer you can dive here and enjoy the beautiful view under the lake. The water is cold due to the altitude. At the entrance to the lake you can enjoy the kebab and coffee from locals.

8. Kolsai Lake

This is a system of three lakes with stunning views. For the short trip from Almaty you can visit the first lakes of Kolsai, but to see the other lakes you need to go on a hike or horse trek. At Lake Kolsai you can take a boat trip. The lake is also a popular destination in winter, where you can skate on the frozen lake or just go for a walk.

9. Altyn-Emel National Park

Altyn-Emel National Park was established in 1996 and is one of the most popular tourist destinations where you can enjoy the singing dunes, mountains and flora. In the park you can see the wild animals such as ibex, hulan and number of wild birds. Enjoy a beautiful Kosbastau oasis where you can see the 700 year old willow.

10.  Tugen Gorge Waterfall

The waterfall is known as Bear Falls and drops 28 metres. The perfect place for hiking and outdoor camping. Enjoy the beautiful mountains, flowers and rivers.

11. Tamgaly Tas

Tamgaly Tas is located in the northern Kapshygai reservoir on the eastern bank of the Ile River. The unique rock paintings with Tibetan iconography and inscriptions dated from the 17th century.

Almaty’s climate is pleasant all year round. The average temperature in winter is -5 Celius / -22 Fahrenheit and in summer 24 Celius / 76 Fahrenheit.

Besides the beautiful scenery of Almaty, we offer you to meet the locals, enjoy their traditions and make new friends. We will also take you to museums, art galleries, mosques and theatres. During your stay in Almaty we will visit some of the best restaurants in the city and get a real taste of traditional meals. You are going to enjoy your Almaty tours.

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